
Let Us Do Your Heavy Lifting

For the past 47 years our  E-Z-Hook President has been the first person in the office. His passion for his business and his unwavering focus and hard work drive him daily. Recently his passion has found a new focus, or should we say additional focus. Don’t get me wrong, he still is the first one in the parking lot most mornings, but a few early mornings a week you will find him elsewhere.  Don’t misunderstand – he is still focused and hard-working, but even the most driven businessmen need a recreational outlet. So where is he? Is he golfing? Is he sleeping in? Having a leisure LATE breakfast reading the paper? Not Phelps. He is at the gym training, training hard and very focused for his next Powerlifting competition. And yes, his gym workout slot is the FIRST one available in the morning. Wow – some things never change.

This blog might seems a bit unrelated to Electronic Test Accessories… well, perhaps that is true. But I think it’s relevant because it  shows the E-Z-Hook spirit, energy and can do attitude as exemplified by the company President.  As a company we pride ourselves in being different, trying something new to make a product work, believing in ourselves. That comes from somewhere. This is part of the company culture.

In April of 2015 Phelps felt unsteady walking up the bleachers to his grandchildren’s baseball game. He decided at 79 it was time to go to a gym, perhaps do some stretching and stability exercise. Mind you, Phelps had never been a member of a gym…as I mentioned earlier, his focus was his business. The gym experience proved positive and today you can still find Phelps at the Mission Fitness gym in San Marino at least two times a week, more if he is training for a competition. At age 79  Phelps set state age group (75-79) and weight class (181lbs and under) records for all three powerlifting disciplines which include deadlift, bench press and squat. At age 80, and in a new age group, Phelps has continued to set state records and even added a national record for deadlift to his resume.  Now that takes focus, dedication and drive. Way to go Phelps – keep lifting…

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