
Thinking Outside the Box

IMG_2342IMG_2338E-Z-Hook has a long history of working with clients who need assistance developing a custom product to fulfill their needs. From the outside the solutions was simple – a box. It was the inside components, which included fuses and switches, that made the little box more complicated.

Working closely with the client E-Z-Hook developed 3 separate prototypes that could work with the clients test jumper applications. The final solution addressed the clients’ needs for a Test Jumper Junction Box. The finished product used both standard and custom components. The design included a toggle switch or momentary switch that allowed fuse capabilities to be switched on or off with the various test applications.
In the end, the solution was “in the box”, a small plastic box. The device allowed the customer to supply their technicians with a simply solution which allowed them to easily amplify their testing capabilities.  A single custom solution provided a complete kit.


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